Fast and Secure Funding for Your Trade Deals with EximPe's LC Bill Discounting

Get Fast, Flexible Funding for your working capital requirements

LC Bill Discounting

As a Buyer, you can use LC Bill Discounting for your purchases and guarantee at sight payments to sellers

As a Seller, you can use LC Bill Discounting to get paid faster for your goods, and avoid the risk of non-payment. 

How does it work?

Sign up and complete the KYC to open your EximPe Account. Tell us your requirements and get funded within 72 hours post shipment.


Sign Up

Complete the mandatory KYC and open your EximPe Account


Submit the Request

Submit your requirements including the counterparty details and trade details


Get Funded

Choose the quote and provide the required documents to get funded

Why discount your LC with EximPe

Get LC’s discounted at best market rates
100% Digital process
Get Financed in 24-72 hours post shipment
Wide range of financing banks
Collateral Free LC Discounting

LC Discounting we currently offer

Export LC Discounting

EximPe Export LC Bill Discounting offers a financial solution that allows you to access funds as soon as you ship your goods, instead of waiting for the LC to mature.

Local LC Bill Discounting

EximPe Local LC Bill Discounting is designed to help you maintain a healthy cash flow by providing immediate liquidity against your local Letters of Credit.

Supplier's Credit

EximPe Supplier's Credit service is a powerful financial solution which enables you to access credit from foreign lenders at competitive interest rates, thus extending your payment terms and maintaining healthy cash flow.

Buyer's Credit

EximPe Buyer's Credit facility provides short-term loans backed by SBLC at competitive interest rates, enabling you to finance your imports without straining your working capital.


A Letter of Credit (LC) is like a safety net in business deals, especially those across different cities or countries. It’s a note from a bank promising that the buyer’s payment will get to the seller on time and will be the right amount. If something goes wrong and the buyer can’t pay, the bank will step in and pay instead. This makes both parties feel safer in the deal, especially when they might not know each other well or when they are dealing with different laws and regulations. LCs are a crucial part of making national and international trade flow smoothly.

LC Discounting, or Letter of Credit Bill Discounting, serves as a beneficial financial tool for both parties involved in a transaction. For buyers, it allows for an extended credit period, improving cash flow as they can delay payment until the goods are received and sold. Sellers, on the other hand, can secure payment swiftly once the goods are shipped and requisite documents are presented to the bank, accelerating their cash cycle and facilitating continuous business operations. Essentially, LC Discounting helps ensure a smooth and efficient trade transaction for both buyers and sellers.

At EximPe, we’re committed to offering you the most competitive interest rates available. Our unique position of providing quotes from leading banks, both within India and internationally, allows us to ensure you receive the most advantageous rate for your financial needs. For specific interest rate inquiries, please get in touch with us. 

Export LC Bill Discounting involves advancing funds against export bills under a Letter of Credit, where the risk lies with the LC issuing bank. On the contrary, Factoring pertains to advancing funds for export documents not covered by a Letter of Credit. This could involve documents against acceptance or those sent directly to the buyer, with the financier assuming the risk on the buyer.

Get Your LC Discounted Today